Ice Cream Time

Summertime means it is ice cream time! But how do you make metabolically balanced ice cream? It’s quite easy: For a homemade ice cream, puree a portion of frozen fruits such as bananas and berries with a blender or mixer. And if you want to enjoy ice cream bought in the supermarket, we have the following tips for you:

-Avoid plastic spoons and cups as much as possible and, like this, ensure clean ice cream enjoyment!

-The shorter the list of ingredients, the better. An organic ice cream is usually more expensive, but for a taste experience without additives, it is worth spending a few cents more.

-Information on high-quality processing can also be found in phrases such as “without colorings, additives and flavorings” or “only natural ingredients”.

Learn All About Metabolic Balance

Struggling to shed excess weight and stay on track with weight loss? Metabolic Balance might be the answer for you. Designed to facilitate effective weight loss, the Metabolic Balance program tailors a personalized nutrition plan to your unique body composition, metabolism, and health goals. So, say goodbye to one-size-fits-all diets – embrace a personalized, science-based journey to your desired weight and health. Find your nearest coach today to get started!

Hydration Magic

With the summer quickly approaching, hydration is key! Not only is water important for staying hydrated in the summer but it also helps with other aspects of your health.

Importance of Drinking Water:
Hydration is key to overall health, but the type of water matters. Filtered water and alkalized water not only quenches your thirst but also supports your body’s natural balance, promoting optimal function.
Benefits for Digestion:
Water aids digestion by neutralizing acidity in the stomach, potentially reducing symptoms of acid reflux and supporting a more comfortable digestive experience. It’s like giving your digestive system a refreshing boost!
Weight Loss Support:
Proper hydration is a cornerstone of any weight loss journey. Alkalized water may contribute by assisting in maintaining a balanced pH, potentially optimizing metabolic processes and supporting weight management goals.
Ready to elevate your hydration game? Be sure to keep track of your daily water consumption and add reminders in your phone to hit your daily goal.

The Truth About Sugar

Ever since the advent of low-fat foods, sugar has become an ingredient found in thousands of products in grocery stores. From tomato sauce to nut butters, many foods have hidden amounts of sugar. Consuming too much sugar may have serious health consequences and can lead to dental decay and diabetes. Elevated insulin levels caused by eating too many refined carbohydrates such as sugar also increases the risk of:
1. Weight gain, especially around the stomach area. Sugar alters our appetite-regulating hormones, causing us to crave more of it. We also store excess sugars in the most easily-accessible fat cells around our liver.
2. Joint pain. Excess sugar lead to unwanted inflammation which can lead to inflamed joints
3. Wrinkly skin. Spare sugar molecules attach to ‘AGE’ (advanced glycation end products) in the bloodstream, and together they damage the structure of healthy skin causing sagginess and wrinkles
4. Liver diseases. It’s not just alcohol that can cause liver disease. Fructose from juice, corn syrup and very high fruit consumption can accumulate as fat in the liver, leading to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
5. Heart disease. High insulin levels are caused by excess refined carbohydrates and this can damage arteries. Conditions such as high blood pressure, raised cholesterol and heart disease.
The good news is that this is all avoidable! Taking regular simple steps to reduce your sugar intake can make a huge difference.
If you want to reset your body and balance your metabolism with expert, professional help and our scientifically-proven wholefood program, get in touch with one of our coaches!

Keep It Simple

Whether it’s summer vacation, the winter weather or just being plain busy… when it comes to mealtimes, sometimes it pays to keep it simple. But, remember, simple doesn’t have to mean boring or unenjoyable! Here are some great examples from the MB community of keeping it simple and delicious:

-Ghee pan-roasted baby Brussels with your protein of choice.
-Poached eggs and a little sea salt.
-Sliced apple on a buckwheat/rice cake with coconut.
Let us know what some your favorite simple meals are!

Metabolic Balance for You

staying on track with the metabolic balance journey is crucial, even during busy workdays! including healthy habits like preparing a nutritious lunch box, starting the day with a hearty breakfast, and planning dinner ahead can make a significant difference. these practices support your health goals and ensure sustained energy levels and mental clarity throughout the day. with a bit of effort and commitment, maintaining a balanced diet becomes manageable, even amidst hectic work schedules.
Credit: Metabolic Balance Australia and New Zealand

Focus on What You Eat

Studies in recent years have shown that in order to lose weight, the focus should be on the quality of food you’re eating and not how much you’re eating. When it comes to weight loss, most diets tend to rely on the calories-in, calories-out equation. The problem is not all calories are the same and, in many cases, a calorie deficit can lead to a slowed metabolism. A slowed metabolism will lead to weight gain!
By paying attention to the types of food consumed and ensuring you eat the foods best suited to your body, you can improve your metabolism, eat less, and feel fuller for longer. All leading the way to healthy and sustainable weight management. At Metabolic Balance, we can help you make more informed food decisions through personalized nutrition. Get in touch today!

The Metabolic Balance Program

Do any of these apply to you?

-Issues with weight gain
-Struggling with menopause
-Difficulty regulating hormones
-Issues with energy levels and overall wellness

If so, then the Metabolic Balance could be right for you!

Whether it’s achieving weight management goals, revitalizing energy levels, adapting to menopausal changes, or regulating hormones, Metabolic Balance offers a comprehensive solution, empowering you to embrace a harmonious lifestyle. Want to know more? Find your nearest coach today via our website!

What Can You Eat on Metabolic Balance?

We all know that the more food has been processed and laden with additives & preservatives, the more it negatively impacts your health & well-being. We at Metabolic Balance are dedicated to promoting a proper understanding of the true healing power of fresh, whole and natural foods, which contain all the essential nutrients to fully support physical and mental health if eaten in the right quantities and at the correct times. Metabolic Balance does not exclude any food group and instead creates a personalized nutrition program for each client. Have you ever been afraid to make a personalized meal plan because you didn’t know what you were going to eat or afraid of being too little food? Well you do not have to worry about that with Metabolic Balance. Check out website and connect with one of our coaches to learn more or get started!

Rediscovering Joy

Metabolic Balance is the path to rediscovering the joy of living life to the fullest! By restoring overall wellness and alleviating troublesome symptoms that might be impacting you, we’re here to help you embrace a healthier, happier, and more vibrant lifestyle. Ready to start? Find your nearest coach today via our website!